
admin 2023-10-04 17:00 阅读数 #劝退小三

As the issue of infidelity continues to be a problem in relationships, more and more individuals and organizations have taken a stand against it. One such organization focuses specifically on helping individuals deal with the impact of a third party in their relationships – The Rachael Project.

The Rachael Project is a support group that aims to help both men and women who have been cheated on and the individuals who have been involved in an affair. They offer counseling services to the betrayed spouse, as well as intervention programs for the third party or "small third" in the relationship.

The term "small third" refers to individuals who are aware that they are involved in a relationship where one person is already committed to another. Often, these individuals are referred to as "mistresses" or "side pieces," but The Rachael Project chooses to use the term "small third" instead. This is because they believe that the term "mistress" or "side piece" further perpetuates the idea that these individuals are objects and not people with their own agency and desires.

The intervention program offered by The Rachael Project is called "Small Third Reduction." This program aims to help third parties see the harm that they are causing and find ways to disengage from the relationship. The program consists of several sessions with trained counselors who help the individual gain insight into their behavior and the impact it is having on those around them.

The Small Third Reduction program is focused not only on helping the individual disengage from the relationship but also on helping them understand the root causes of their behavior. The counselors at The Rachael Project understand that many third parties are dealing with their own issues, such as low self-esteem or a need for validation. By helping these individuals address these underlying issues, they hope to prevent similar behavior in the future.

The ultimate goal of The Rachael Project is to help couples rebuild their relationships after infidelity has occurred. However, they understand that this cannot happen if the third party is still in the picture. By helping individuals disengage from the relationship, The Rachael Project hopes to create a space where healing can occur.

In conclusion, The Rachael Project is an organization that understands the complexities of relationships and the impact that third parties can have. By offering support and intervention to both the betrayed spouse and the third party, they hope to create a space where healing and connection can occur.


